Social Security Disability benefits are a lifesaver for millions across the United States suffering from an illness or permanent injury. They cannot work to earn a sufficient living. Therefore, it is not surprising that many people apply for these benefits every year, but alas, only a small percentage of them succeed. This is because the application process is somewhat complex, and people take the wrong step. 

There are various reasons why the administration may deny your Social Security disability claim. Understanding these reasons and how to avoid the mistakes that cause rejections is essential. Hiring a disability lawyer enables you to understand the process and avoid taking the wrong step. 

Top reasons why SSI disability claims are denied 

  • You earn more than the mentioned limit. 

While there is no limit on unearned income for getting SSI disability benefits, there is one for earned income. If your disability allows you to work a job earning an average of $1,470 monthly (for non-blind people) and $2,460 (for blind people), you will not qualify for the benefits. This is because if you earn this amount, you should not be requiring the benefits of the SSDI to live an average lifestyle. 

  • You did not submit the forms on time. 

You can meet all the requirements of the SSA, fill the documents correctly, and have every piece of the medical record as evidence, but you still would not be awarded the benefits if you do not submit your forms on time. The SSA has strict deadlines for submitting forms because the complex application process is already lengthy. 

Do not put off filing the forms just because they are lengthy. The sooner you fill and submit them, the greater your chances of getting approved. 

  • You do not have sufficient medical evidence. 

The Social Security Administration uses your medical condition and income as the basis to understand whether you deserve the benefits. Therefore, it is pretty obvious that medical evidence is one of the most important pieces of evidence. You must have medical reports and doctors’ opinions proving that your disability is severe enough to meet the agency’s standard of disability. 

  • You did not follow the doctor’s treatment plan. 

Before awarding you the benefits, the Social Security Administration ensures you did everything possible to cure your illness. This means seeing a good doctor and following the prescribed treatment plan as it is. If you failed to take care of yourself and that resulted in the worsening of your conditions, your application may be rejected.